Here at the Center for Integrated Medicine, we have a very inviting staff. All of our staff members are highly qualified in their roles and positions. Additionally, we would like to give notoriety to our interns who have worked with us in the past.
April Dominguez
Nancy Yoeung
Kandace Dresser
Edward Velasquez
Craig Tisdale
Adrian Rayos
Dutch Jenkins
Gene Gong
Jocelyni Sanchez
Center for Integrated Medicine is an affiliated teaching site for both conventional allopathic medicine and TCM/Acupuncture interns. It is also a participant in the California approved medical apprenticeship/ tutorial program. Through out Dr. Kwong’s career, she had precept/ trained over 70 students at her clinic at no charge to the students or to their university programs. Many of these students has went on to become physicians, nurses, pharmacists, therapists, professors, MBA and so on. The following is only a partial list of past interns.