
Cupping is the treatment of disease by the suction of the skin's surface. A vacuum is created in small jars which are then attached to the body surface. The vacuum causes a drawing up of the underlying tissues into the cups, pulling inner congestion in the body up and out. When effective, the skin will appear reddened and bruised after the cup is removed. This marking can take several days to disappear, but it will go away. The person should notice an immediate difference in their condition, be it congestion or pain.
Applications of cupping are called for in varying conditions such as back and shoulder pain due to muscle tightness or strain, stiff neck, cough, and asthma. It can also dispel colds, and diminish swelling and pain.
Clinically, cupping can be used by itself or combined with acupuncture and moxibustion to enhance treatment outcome. Ask your acupuncturist if cupping is right for you.